Below, you’ll find the highlights of 2023 as well as areas of growth towards our mission. It’s always a joy to do this as a family on mission together, each campus representing Jesus and making him famous in our individual corners of the Midlands.
Thank you for giving and serving our church body this year. God, in his mercy and grace, continues to guides us to make disciples, plant churches, and live generously.
A DISCIPLE… someone who follows the teachings, life, and aim of another until the person becomes like the master. Therefore, a disciple is someone becoming more and more like Christ.
DISCIPLESHIP… the activity of forming intentional friendships with others, to walk through life together, and to teach them to become like Christ.
Here is a sample of the results of your work as we make disciples together. Whether across the table at Waffle House, in your group, RADIUS Kids or Students – people are coming to know Jesus. Thank you for letting others walk through life with you as you show them how to follow Him!
2023 STORIES | Making Disciples
Multiplying Churches TOGETHER
We are excited about the addition of RADIUS Church – Pelion. The timeline below tells the story about the launch as well as the history of our other campuses. Church planting continues to be the most effective way to reach those far from God and to make disciples.
2023 - 2024
2022 - 2023
June 2020
January 2018
June 2015
March 2013
June 2003
2023 - 2024
2022 - 2023
June 2020
January 2018
June 2015
March 2013
June 2003
STories | Planting Churches
You lived generously through Give Hope: helping those in need in YOUR radius! Thank you!
STories | Living Generously