RADIUS Church exists to GLORIFY GOD by planting churches that make disciples and live generously.
Our mission statement could end here. If we do nothing else, we should Glorify God in everything we do. To glorify God, we worship Him, praise Him, and reflect Him as we live and love generously to those in our radius.

To put it simply – We GO! Not just a few of us, but all. When we accept Jesus, we join Him in His mission - to GO make disciples. We’ve learned through experience that the best way to do that is to GO plant churches of disciple-makers in every community that we can.

THAT seems like a small word in a mission statement! So what’s the big deal? Planting healthy churches is assessed by the fruit produced. We gauge the health of our churches by disciple-making and generosity. The [THAT] defines the kind of churches we want to plant and the fruit we will measure as we keep an eye on their health.

No one in this world has the same radius as you. God has placed you where you live, work, and play for a reason, and no other person can love people and serve in the ways God has called you to do. As the gospel shapes you, those in your radius are taking note and the opportunity to multiply disciples begins. Jesus gave his disciples a final command - to make disciples, teaching them to observe all that he had commanded. So, we are committed to developing and discipling all those God has put in our radius.

Living generously sounds great but proves to be one of the hardest things asked of us. So why should we live generously? Because it glorifies God and reflects our generous Lord Jesus who gave His own life knowing we could never repay him.

During our first 21 years, God built in us a culture of church planting, disciple-making and generosity. We want to continue multiplying churches full of generous disciple-makers to reach people, not just in the Midlands, but in neighborhoods across the state.
Learn more about our plan for the next 3 years by clicking the buttons below.
Learn more about our plan for the next 3 years by clicking the buttons below.