Meet our Campus Pastor
Allie and I have been married for 13 years. We have been blessed to have our sons Bettis, Nevan and Noah through adoption. I was born and raised in Saluda, and I am a 2001 Graduate of Saluda High School. I graduated from Columbia International University in 2007 with a double major in Bible and Youth Ministry. During and after college, I spent 13 ½ years as the Student Pastor at Saluda Baptist Church until God lead me to RADIUS. I am very passionate about Jesus, my wife, my family and my town. In my off time you will probably find me by the grill, hosting people for dinner, or doing something with Saluda athletics.
Leadership Team
Our church leadership includes our directional elders, an executive team and our campus pastors.
Support Staff
Our central support team serves all of our campuses and ministry departments, assists with the daily operations of RADIUS Church, as well as ensuring excellence for our Sunday services.