Meet our Campus Pastor


Jess and I met at Furman University and were married in 2007. We have four sons – Samuel, Luke, Eli, and James – and life on Team Shuford is as full as you can imagine! We spent the first six years of our married life serving as members of RADIUS Church in Greenville where John and Cheryl were instrumental in casting for us a vision of life in God’s Kingdom and the opportunity to now serve the midlands together is so exciting! After 15 years of ministry in the upstate through the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Grace Church, we packed up the family and moved during the Summer of 2020 to plant RADIUS Church in Downtown Columbia. I serve as the Campus Pastor of RADIUS Church Downtown and we are grateful to be a part of the RADIUS family and on mission in the city. As a family we are always on the lookout for the next exciting outdoor adventure, challenging game, great movie, or new friend!


Scott Shuford

Campus Pastor

Anthony Allen

Associate Minister

David Brown

Student Ministry Coordinator

Kaitlen Brown

Kids Coordinator

Natalie Maser

Worship Leader

MC Probus

Campus Director

Timothy Shelley

Assistant Director of Media & Technology 

Leadership Team

Our church leadership includes our directional elders, an executive team and our campus pastors.

Support Staff

Our central support team serves all of our campuses and ministry departments, assists with the daily operations of RADIUS Church, as well as ensuring excellence for our Sunday services.