I remember when I first saw that RADIUS Centerville was coming to our community. Paul and I were excited for our community because we heard stories of how RADIUS teaches and lives out discipleship to reach the unchurched, and cares for those in the community in a hands-on way. We felt that RADIUS would be an active and visible force for God in our local schools, businesses, and homes. We attended services in the field a few times until it got too cold for us. We waited expectantly for the doors to the newly renovated building to open on Palm Sunday 2021, attended that first service, and we never looked back. We have found connections at RADIUS like we’ve never experienced before. The people have embraced and supported our family through the tragic death of our daughter; we have found places where we can serve and make a difference for the church, others, and ourselves; and it is clear that the church loves our community as much as we do and has a passion to reach every person with the Gospel. But the greatest connection has been the way we feel the Holy Spirit move in our midst every time we attend worship. We want everyone we know to experience the same. We are challenged, encouraged and equipped by RADIUS to be disciples in our own circles of influence and beyond. For some that means staying where we are to be the hands and feet of Jesus; for others it means changing locations to plant churches in around our state. Regardless of our callings, we are all blessed to be a part of that active and visible force for God in our communities. We are RADIUS, connecting people to Jesus.
Carol Sease
RADIUS Partner | Centerville