We got to know Alexus Nye as a pregnant teenager who was contemplating abortion. Our RADIUS staff prayed over her and against abortion. She has since then become baptized and is walking with Christ.

Later we learned that a 17-year-old senior named Kaylee was pregnant. People in our church – Elliot Etheredge, Brandi Black, the singles mom group – reached out to her. 

Alexus shared the story below about connecting with Kaylee:

I knew Kaylee from high school but we didn’t really know each other just simply because of her being a grade behind me. However at the Pray May event in Lexington, I prayed that God would just use me to lead someone to him or at least help them take a step towards him that they may have been scared to take themselves. So it just felt heavy on my heart to contact her. We had lunch & discussed how it’s sometimes intimidating being a young single mom. Not only that but a Christian young single mom. Kaylee expressed to me that she believed and wanted to get baptized, but she was just shy. Kaylee knew who Jesus was but deals with anxiety scares. I explained to her that I once dealt with the same thing, but having Jesus by her side will make her see the world in a whole different way! So even though Kaylee still deals with a little anxiety, she was baptized and has been attending women events in and outside of church.  She will soon join our single moms group, so hopefully our spiritual friendship & story will continue to grow!