The mission of RADIUS Church is to glorify God by making disciples, planting churches, and living generously. Together 21 is a vision-setting challenge for our church to passionately and extraordinarily live out our mission. We’ve spent our first 18 years listening and responding to God’s shaping of our church. Before turning 21, we want to become a church that multiplies. Our hope is that each partner will make a disciple (UX2), we’ll double our groups which doubles our opportunity for biblical community (GX2), each church will plant a church (CX2), and we’ll double the amount we gave in generosity in the first 18 years in just three years ($X2).  

Countdown to our 21st Birthday!








God has uniquely shaped us as RADIUS Church.  Take a walk back through our first 18 years as we remember and praise God for the stories we can tell of his faithfulness!

Lead Pastor John Reeves along with our campus pastors, presented Together 21 at a Partner Night August 28, 2021. These ideas will strategically shape our activity and generosity to help us accomplish the mission God has given us.

We gathered on August 28, 2022 for our 19th Birthday Party. We celebreated 19 stories of God at work, introduced the “Opportunity Fund”, and announced our 7th campus: RADIUS Carolina!

On January 9, 2022, we took some time to review our mission and to talk about healthy multiplication as we seek to double disciples, double groups, double churches, and double generosity before we turn 21. John Reeves, lead pastor, encouraged us to take our “prenatal vitamins” – growing spiritually healthy ourselves – before we begin reproducing. He also described what it looks like to be a level 4 and 5 church that is growing through multiplication. Watch the video for the full sermon.

$X2 | Empower 1 Generosity Update

RADIUS Church partners with Empower 1 to equip and mobilize local leaders in North East Africa to plant churches. In the coming months, we will be sending $40,000 in addition to our yearly gift to Empower 1 to build a church building in South Sudan. A church...

UX2 | Student Worship Night

On October 3, 2021, RADIUS Students gathered at our Centerville campus for our first All-RADIUS student worship night. We brought together our entire student ministry from all six locations to enjoy a night of fellowship and worship. Our students enjoyed connecting...

$X2 | Ezekiel Ministries

The world's confusing and loud messages target the hearts and minds of our kids. The result - self-destructive behaviors such as suicide, substance abuse, and same sex attraction. The cure? Mentors. At Ezekiel Ministries, Jesus-following mentors are paired with...

CX2 | RADIUS Southside – Grand Opening

Together, let's pray for our RADIUS Southside family as they open up their newly renovated facility on August 22. They’ve been meeting in their gym for the last year while meeting and loving their neighbors through gas buy-downs at the gas station across the street...

CX2 | RADIUS Southside’s First Baptism

Three college students publicly proclaimed Jesus Christ as their King! This sort of life change is what we are praying for as we write down the names of three neighbors on our dominoes. We pray that our neighbors would see the change in us and long for the love, joy, and peace that we have found through the Holy Spirit. We pray that they would know Jesus, and learn to pursue Him. We pray that one day they would want everyone to know that they went from death to LIFE just as Mary, Ephi, and Evan did.

UX2 | Laurie’s Story

Years ago, John challenged the church to use dominoes as a reminder to pray for three unbelieving friends. Laurie was in it for the long haul! Watch as she tells her story.