Ux2 | Student Retreat

Ux2 | Student Retreat

During the Spring of 2022, RADIUS students from all six campuses took a three day retreat to Garden City Chapel, located in Myrtle Beach, SC. During this time students participated in games, corporate worship, and small groups. As we continue to focus on UX2 and...

Southside – Pray May

Matthew 28:19-20 (The Great Commission) says, “Go therefore, and make disciples…” – When we, as a body, are on mission to plant churches, our minds stay focused on reaching new areas with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Part of our mission at RADIUS...

Domino – Pray May

UX2 is the phrase we use when we talk about making healthy disciples. In 2021, we were challenged to take three dominoes, write on them the names of three people that don’t know Jesus, and pray for them. Are you praying for your dominoes? Need three dominoes so...

Worship | Pray May

Worship with Matt Altman (RADIUS Lexington) as he plays the classic hymn “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” Today, let’s pray that we will take everything to God in prayer – our fears, anxieties, relationships, struggles, plans – and lay it all at the foot...