As Carolina approaches the 6 month mark of weekly gatherings, we’ve been able to see God do some incredible things. The prayers of both our launch team, and RADIUS as a whole, have definitely been heard! We currently have representation at 4 of the 6 major colleges and universities within Columbia. This includes a variety of students from athletes, to leaders of on-campus ministries, to campus ambassadors, and so on. We have also seen more people who work late on Saturday night and those who work on Sunday morning start attending. One common trend that has been reiterated time and time again is that Carolina has become a place for genuine community. In a city known to be transitive (many residents stay for less than 5 years), we are joyfully providing space for people to come and be a part of something bigger than themselves, that being part of the local body of Christ, training them up, and sending them out to make a difference in whatever radius God puts them in next.