In August, our partners met to praise God for His faithfulness throughout the last 18 years and to talk about the next three:
The mission of RADIUS Church is to glorify God by making disciples, planting churches, and living generously. UX2 is a vision-setting challenge for our church to passionately and extraordinarily live out our mission. We’ve spent the last 18 years listening and responding to God’s shaping of our church. Before turning 21, we want to double disciples, double groups, double church plants, and double generosity. UX2 is our plan that brings the mission of multiplication to every single believer. And if you accept the challenge, the gospel would be revealed to our communities through multiplying expressions of generosity, neighborly love, forgiveness, integrity, and hope that comes with the overflowing presence of Jesus in U. To keep up with Together 21 Updates, click HERE.