RADIUS Centerville held their campus partner meeting last Sunday night and made a big announcement that we want to share with all of our partners!

Throughout the last few years, many people from all over western Lexington County have decided to call RADIUS Centerville home. At the same time, God raised up a leader.

RADIUS Longs Pond campus was announced at the RADIUS Centerville Partner night.

Originally from RADIUS White Knoll, Sean Coffey spent six years as a teacher and coach in the White Knoll and Gilbert schools and the last two years on staff full time at RADIUS Centerville as student pastor. RADIUS Centerville will be sending Sean Coffey and his wife Nichole in August to plant RADIUS Longs Pond!

Church planting is part of our mission and for good reason. Here are four:

  1. New churches are shown to be the most effective method of reaching those not already part of a church, attracting three to six times more non-Christians than older churches.
  2. New churches develop leaders at the new church as well as at the sending church. As leaders go to plant, new leaders arise at the sending church to continue current ministry.
  3.  Church planting sparks renewal in existing churches. That renewal can catalyze churches in every neighborhood to innovate and live generously as they strive to meet the needs of their neighbors.
  4. Increasing the number of believers living out the gospel can have a significant positive effect on life within a community. 

What is our part as partners?

  1. Pray and thank God for your campus and how you see God at work in your church body and community because it exists.
  2. Pray for Sean and Nichole, the launch team that is forming, and for the community of Longs Pond.
  3. Pray about going to RADIUS Longs Pond and being a part of this plant. 
  4. Let’s celebrate together on Sunday! We’ll show a video on Sunday introducing RADIUS Longs Pond. For those in our congregations who aren’t partners and haven’t heard much about church planting, speak about our mission to them. Help them understand why we plant churches.