On Wednesday, July 26 we launched our first Women’s Teaching Co-hort with 12 women from across our campuses. Over the next four months these ladies will have the chance to learn and grow in understanding of how to accurately communicate God’s Word through teaching and/or writing. Our hope is to spur women in their gifts, to help prepare them to teach in various ways throughout our church. 

As we met for the first time there was an excitement in the room. For our first run of the co-hort there is a mix of ladies in the room – several have been faithfully teaching at RADIUS for many years, while others were saying “I’m not completely sure why I got invited but I’m excited to be here.” To be able to tell these ladies that leaders at their church saw something in them and suggested they would be a good fit made each lady feel important in her role at our church. So thank you CP’s and leaders who submitted names.  

By the end of the night as the ladies began to understand the purpose of the co-hort the excitement grew at the thought of learning together but more than that, having a network of ladies in their corner to sharpen each other. We’re excited to see how the Lord might use this endeavor for His glory in our church.