Event Post Action Review Form Use this form to evaluate your event. Event Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Location Number of AttendeesNumber of Volunteers NeededNumber of Volunteers who ServedCost for AttendeeCost for RADIUSExpenses-IncomeProposed Budget for Next Similar EventBrief Summary of EventGoals for the EventList at least 3Success/Failure of Event Meeting GoalsFor each goal listed aboveRatings of Specific AreasRate the following areas from poor-excellent - and use the space below for feedback. DoPurpose1 - Poor2 - Fair3 - Average4 - Good5 - ExcellentWere clear goals in place prior to the event? Do not rate if not applicable.Feedback on Purpose Rating? Venue1 - Poor2 - Fair3 - Average4 - Good5 - ExcellentFeedback on Venue Rating? Content1 - Poor2 - Fair3 - Average4 - Good5 - ExcellentFeedback on Content Rating? Planning1 - Poor2 - Fair3 - Average4 - Good5 - ExcellentFeedback on Planning Rating? Note if there is a checklist in a place for this event for next time.Volunteer Staffing1 - Poor2 - Fair3 - Average4 - Good5 - ExcellentFeedback on Staffing Rating? Do we have standards for the numbers of volunteers needed for next event?Promotion1 - Poor2 - Fair3 - Average4 - Good5 - ExcellentFeedback on Promotion? Volunteer Communication1 - Poor2 - Fair3 - Average4 - Good5 - ExcellentFeedback on Volunteer Communication? Communication During the Event1 - Poor2 - Fair3 - Average4 - Good5 - ExcellentFeedback on Communication During the Event? Post Event Follow-Up Communication1 - Poor2 - Fair3 - Average4 - Good5 - ExcellentFeedback on Communication Post-Event? Rules/Adherence1 - Poor2 - Fair3 - Average4 - Good5 - ExcellentFeedback on Rules Rating? Do we have rules/expectations for participants as appropriate? Note any major issues.Transportation1 - Poor2 - Fair3 - Average4 - Good5 - ExcellentFeedback on Transportation Rating? Documentation/Follow-Up1 - Poor2 - Fair3 - Average4 - Good5 - ExcellentFeedback on Documentation/Follow-Up Rating? Post Event Activities1 - Poor2 - Fair3 - Average4 - Good5 - ExcellentFeedback on Post-Event Activity Rating?