During hard times, doomsday predictions surface about whether the end of the world is near. We’ll spend two weeks studying Mark 13 together as we see that living in light of the end, being alert and prayerful, is much more important than knowing when it will come.



John Reeves - April 25, 2021

Is it time? (Week 3)

This weekend we concluded our mini-series looking at the opening section of the book of Acts as we wrap up Chapter 2. Lead Pastor John Reeves looked at the key elements of what makes up the Church. He challenged us to look at our own lives to see what is keeping us from being devoted to the Word of God and to the fellowship of believers. How can you engage in fellowship with God and with other believers this week? Got an idea or a story of fellowship you'd like to share? Send us an email (RADIUS@radiuschurch.org) and let us know.

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