God never fails to surprise me. 

A few weeks ago I was meeting with Rachel and Lindsay to talk through The Well at Loveland Coffee (a must visit!). As I gathered my things to leave, this college-age girl approached us simply saying, “I know this is crazy but I heard y’all talking about church and community. I just moved here from out of state for an internship and don’t know a single person here. Then I overheard you talking about community and the Holy Spirit said, “Go. Go talk to them”. I was terrified to, but when the Lord says “go”, you go. So, can I come to church with you on Sunday?!”

Flash forward to now, this college student has been coming to RADIUS Carolina weekly, seeking out community through groups, and talking to others at church, even as “the new person”. 

You probably wouldn’t believe it, but a crazy God connection between strangers happened 3 times that same week, with all 3 girls coming to RADIUS Carolina and all 3 wanting to go deeper in community– one girl driving almost an hour to be able to be in a young adult community like this. 

All I have to say is He is moving, and when the Lord says “go”, you GO!