We are thankful to partner with people and organizations who are making a difference and allowing God to use them to change lives. Lighthouse for Life exists to EDUCATE people about the realities of human sex trafficking in the United States and EMPOWER them recognize the signs of human trafficking and to respond when they encounter it. The reality is – it’s happening in every state, nationwide. Over 100,000 minors are at risk of being pulled into trafficking in the U.S. every year. Human trafficking is the second largest criminal industry in the world today, with more than 40,000,000 victims – a number that’s growing by the second. 

For the victims of human trafficking, the mission of Lighthouse for Life is to provide a safe environment for their spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being. By providing them with the necessary services, support, guidance and love – Lighthouse for life helps them transform from victim into survivor as they begin to RESTORE their lives.