All-RADIUS – Pray May Campus Gatherings
Pray May is an important time for our church family where we join together to fast and pray. Fasting and praying reminds us of our dependence on God and unifies us as we pray together for our church and communities.
Join us midweek to pray with your campus family. Details for each campus are listed below:
- CAROLINA | May 2 & 9 | 6:30PM
- CENTERVILLE | May 1 & 8 | Meal at 6 PM | Prayer at 6:30PM
- LEXINGTON | May 1 & 8 | Meal at 6 PM | Prayer at 6:30PM
- LONGS POND | May 8 | Meal at 6PM | Prayer at 6:30PM
- PELION | May 1 & 10 | Meal at 6 PM | Prayer at 6:30PM
- SALUDA | May 1 & 8 | Meal at 6 PM | Prayer at 6:30PM
- SOUTHSIDE | May 1 & 8 | Meal at 6 PM | Prayer at 6:30PM
- WHITE KNOLL | May 1 & 8 | Meal at 6 PM | Prayer at 6:30PM
Click here to learn more about Pray May!