2023 is a year of reorganization for our women’s ministry with a new strategy to accomplish multiplication among our women at RADIUS Church. We had the chance to gather five ladies from our campuses to sit and talk about biblical literacy and prayer in preparation for The Well – a worship event for women. They answered questions like “What do you think it means to grow in knowledge and understanding of the Bible?” and “Over the course of your life, how have you seen God shape your heart through your prayer life?”.

Maybe the best part of this “Living Room Chat” conversation, as we are calling it, is that these five women ranged in ages from 30 to 94. They sat together for almost 2-hours talking about the impact Scripture and prayer has had in their life and they also modeled biblical community.

Most of these women met for the first time Monday night but because of their connection in Christ they were able to speak and share life like old friends. And now, our women who join us at The Well will get to lean-in and listen as they watch a beautiful model of hospitable community and friendship all while hearing ladies share wisdom on the importance of knowing God’s Word and prayer in the life of the believer.