The mission of RADIUS Church is to glorify God by making disciples, planting churches, and living generously. Together 21 is a vision-setting challenge for our church to passionately and extraordinarily live out our mission. We’ve spent our first 18 years listening and responding to God’s shaping of our church. Before turning 21, we want to become a church that multiplies. Our hope is that each partner will make a disciple (UX2), we’ll double our groups which doubles our opportunity for biblical community (GX2), each church will plant a church (CX2), and we’ll double the amount we gave in generosity in the first 18 years in just three years ($X2).  

Countdown to our 21st Birthday!








God has uniquely shaped us as RADIUS Church.  Take a walk back through our first 18 years as we remember and praise God for the stories we can tell of his faithfulness!

Lead Pastor John Reeves along with our campus pastors, presented Together 21 at a Partner Night August 28, 2021. These ideas will strategically shape our activity and generosity to help us accomplish the mission God has given us.

We gathered on August 28, 2022 for our 19th Birthday Party. We celebreated 19 stories of God at work, introduced the “Opportunity Fund”, and announced our 7th campus: RADIUS Carolina!

On January 9, 2022, we took some time to review our mission and to talk about healthy multiplication as we seek to double disciples, double groups, double churches, and double generosity before we turn 21. John Reeves, lead pastor, encouraged us to take our “prenatal vitamins” – growing spiritually healthy ourselves – before we begin reproducing. He also described what it looks like to be a level 4 and 5 church that is growing through multiplication. Watch the video for the full sermon.

Cx2 | Worship Leader Gathering

In 2023, our Worship Leaders from across all six RADIUS campuses have gathered together monthly to pray, worship, and collaborate on developing a strong worship culture across the Midlands. Creativity and leadership happen best in community, so we want to be...


A new family came to RADIUS Lexington several months ago that is neighbors with a RADIUS partner. At the time they were professing atheists and fairly new to Lexington.  The partner and her family have loved them so well. Over time they have gotten plugged in to...


RACHEL CUBBAGERADIUS WOMEN'S MINISTRY LEAD 2023 is a year of reorganization for our women's ministry with a new strategy to accomplish multiplication among our women at RADIUS Church. We had the chance to gather five ladies from our campuses to sit and talk...

Together 21 | Campus Partner Meetings

In January and February, our partners met at each of our campuses for to discuss our Together 21 vision. Together 21 is a three year challenge for our church to extraordinarily live out our mission to multiply disciples, groups, churches, and generosity. During...


We hosted a Lexington 1 Principals luncheon during February to cast vision for our partnership with Give Hope. We shared stories, talked about the history and purpose of Give Hope, and spent time getting know each other. Pray that our partnerships continue to...

Gx2 | Huddles

There are tons of ways to equip and encourage small group leaders. These days, we’re leaning-into Huddles as the main way to get the job done. What are Huddles? Simply put, it feels like small group for leaders via care, celebration, and collaboration. Because we...

GX2 | Friendsgiving

In January of 2021, Beka and I planted a new Anyone group with 1 other couple, 1 single guy, and 1 single girl (6 members total). In Fall of 2022, we sent out some folks to plant a new group, and we also sent out a single guy to help plant a third group.  On...

Cx2 | RADIUS Carolina Interest Meeting

Last Wednesday was the first interest meeting for RADIUS Carolina! We are thankful for those who prayed and made this night possible. It was an amazing time, and we are excited to see how the Lord will move in the coming months! Please join us in prayer as we...

Ux2 | Southside Baptisms

This past Sunday we had the joy of baptizing four folks at RADIUS Southside! Three of them were RADIUS Students who have been growing in their faith over the past year and the fourth was a young man who just moved from Philadelphia five months ago. Please join us...